It can feel next to impossible to get a long streak of great weather, especially at this time of year. The low temperatures and dry air that mark the winter months can send us searching for the best sweater, our warmest gloves, and our heavy boots. We may also find that we tuck lip balm into the pockets of every coat or jacket we wear. Why? Because dry air can cause chapped lips and much more. Here, we point out a few ways to get through this winter with healthy skin.
Take Moisture to the Next Level
Like we keep Chapstick nearby at all times, we may also start to rethink our moisturizers and facial cleansers. In the summertime, when the air is hot and humid, we have little need to pack on the moisture. Mother Nature takes care of that for us. Right now, though, the skin is craving heavier creams, oils, and other tactics to support moisture. It is the other tactics we want to discuss here. You may already know that your moisturizer needs a boost in the winter. You may already apply a nice, rich night cream before bed. Are you also drinking enough water? If you’re drinking less than 64 ounces a day, it’s time for an increase. Water consumption is one of the best strategies for glowing skin. To support your skin this winter, also place a humidifier in your office or home. This machine sends tiny particles of water into the atmosphere, offsetting the dryness caused by indoor heating.
Rethink Exfoliating
It isn’t enough to wash and moisturize the skin. We also need to exfoliate. Some people do this with abrasive brushes or cloths. Some do it with specific chemical solutions, like retinol creams. While we rely on exfoliation to remove dead and damaged skin cells, we must rethink this practice during wintertime. Dryer air makes the skin more susceptible to irritation. Exfoliation could lead to unwanted redness and tenderness. Rather than stop altogether, though, you can visit your dermatologist for customized treatment like a chemical peel. In the professional setting, exfoliating treatments can be formulated to include adequate post-procedure moisturizing that prevents inflammation.
We are here to support your skin all year long. To schedule a visit with Dr. Smith, call 337. 477.0011.