How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Laser hair removal is one of the most renowned, safest, and most efficient solutions for removing hair on the body and face. Men and women are eligible for this treatment, which is commonly performed on the bikini area, legs, back, underarms, and face, especially the sideburns, chin, and upper lip.
During the procedure, the laser will transfer energy pulses to the hair follicles. The melanin in the hair will absorb the energy to produce heat that damages the follicle for good.
After the follicle is destroyed, it will not grow back. However, as hair is in a continuous state of growth, surrounding hair follicles could sprout up at different stages, so you will often require more than one round of laser hair removal.
The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Laser hair removal treatment can be incredibly advantageous, especially if your unwanted body or facial hair frequently holds you back from intimacy or social interactions. Here are some benefits you can expect.
No More Shaving or Waxing
Shaving and waxing are time-consuming treatments with only limited effectiveness. You get results for a day or two or maybe a week, and then your skin begins feeling prickly as the hair follicles grow back. Once you complete your laser hair removal treatments, you shouldn’t have to bother with waxing or shaving anymore.
Smoother Skin
Who doesn’t love the feeling of touchably soft, smooth skin? With unwanted hair gone from your most important areas, you’ll be happy to show off whenever you can. With laser hair removal, your skin gets better with each treatment and stays permanently soft and smooth when you’re done.
Schedule Your Laser Hair Removal With Dr. Shondra Smith in Lake Charles, LA
Find a more confident you with Dr. Shondra Smith in Lake Charles, LA. Lock in your appointment for laser hair removal today by calling 337-477-0011 or using our online contact form.