For Better Skin, Exfoliation is the Name of the Game

Chemical Peel, Dermabrasion, Lake Charles, LA With a New Year on the horizon, many people are thinking of ways they can improve how they feel about their appearance. What this means is that they are on the hunt for the perfect treatment or treatments to correct their cosmetic concerns because, as you know, we don’t often feel better by accepting the signs of aging. In our Lake Charles practice, we offer two professional approaches to reset the baseline of beauty on all skin types. At the heart of each is the objective of exfoliation.

What is Exfoliation?

If you’ve ever touched a baby’s skin, you know that they have something you don’t: softness. The reason for this is cellular turnover. When we are young, our skin cells are replaced every few days. This rate of turnover slows as we reach adulthood, so much so that the epidermis is essentially covered in cellular debris; dead and damaged cells that hold no value. The more cells that adhere to the skin, the more radiance we lose, and the more obvious lines and wrinkles will look. Exfoliation is the process of removing the layer of gunk that clogs the epidermis.

Types of Exfoliation

Skin cells can be removed in one of two ways: either physically or with chemicals. Both approaches are comfortable, safe, and effective. Both are available in our office.

Chemical exfoliation is commonly referred to as chemical peel treatment. This method of renewing the skin involves the application of a mildly acidic solution. Patients usually feel nothing more than a slight tingling or stinging sensation throughout the process, which takes less than half an hour. After a peel, the skin may look red for the remainder of the day, and slightly sunburned the next. Throughout about a week, the uppermost layer of skin cells will flake away so healthier, more vibrant cells can be revealed.

Physical exfoliation includes treatments like microdermabrasion. This skin-renewal method involves cellular removal using a small handpiece that gently abrades the top layer of skin. Microdermabrasion is not painful, it feels like sandpaper or kiss from a cat. After treatment, mild redness may occur, but this tends to fade quickly. Because cellular debris is removed at the time of treatment, there is no residual peeling or flaking.

Chemical peels and microdermabrasion are so gentle that it’s possible to combine the two for more significant results.

Why we Exfoliate

There are several reasons to schedule your exfoliating treatment pronto. Benefits of this professional treatment include:

  • Diminished hyperpigmentation and age spots
  • Healthier, smaller pores
  • Superficial scars may fade
  • Smoother skin
  • Maximum effectiveness of skincare products
  • Collagen induction

Call 337. 477.0011 to schedule skin-loving treatment with our friendly staff.

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Lake Charles, LA 70605

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