Keep up the Protection
Sunscreen is a necessity every day during the summer as well as every other day of the year. Sun damage isn’t linked to heat; it results from the absorption of ultraviolet light into the skin. The UV rays that permeate the epidermis affect the melanocyte cells that produce pigment. This is why a day in the sun brings on a bronzed glow. Another thing that gets brought on by sun exposure is sunspots. The excess production of melanin often clumps together. This can appear as splotchy patches or defined spots on the face, chest, arms, hands, and even the legs. Tip number one for promoting beautiful skin is to keep up the use of sunscreen all year long. Choose broad-spectrum protection in moisturizers, makeup products, and lightweight sunscreens.
Offset UV Exposure
It is interesting to think that concerns like brown patches and spots are both caused by and treated with light. If many summers in the sun have left you with discolored patches, you can offset the effects of ultraviolet light with proven laser treatment. In our Lake Charles office, patients can comfortably receive IPL treatments to address concerns related to pigment and broken capillaries. IPL is intense pulsed light. This modality emits numerous wavelengths of light rather than just one, like other laser treatments. The wavelengths that are delivered to the epidermis specifically target the cells that store melanin and hemoglobin. The energy destroys the colored cells, eliminating the spots they cause.
The summer sun is a welcomed reprieve from wintertime weather. At the same time, ultraviolet light can cause premature aging and skin cancer. Your Lake Charles dermatologist offers several services to keep your skin healthy and resilient. Call 337. 477.0011 to schedule a consultation to address your cosmetic or dermatologic needs.